Skin Tag Removal

Skin tag removal is a simple medical procedure used to eliminate small, soft growths on the skin's surface, known as skin tags. These growths are typically harmless but can be removed for cosmetic or comfort reasons. Here's how the skin tag removal process generally works:

Step 1: Consultation

The procedure typically begins with a consultation with a dermatologist or healthcare provider. During this consultation, your provider will assess the skin tags, determine if they are benign, and discuss your reasons for removal.

Step 2: Treatment Options

There are several methods for removing skin tags, including:

  • **Cauterization:** Skin tags can be burned or cauterized off using a special tool.
  • **Cryotherapy:** Liquid nitrogen is applied to freeze the skin tag, causing it to fall off.
  • **Excision:** The skin tag is cut off using sterile scissors or a scalpel.
  • **Ligation:** A small thread or suture is tied around the base of the skin tag to cut off blood supply, causing it to fall off.

Step 3: Skin Tag Removal

Your provider will perform the chosen removal method, ensuring that the procedure is safe and minimally invasive. The procedure is typically quick, and you may experience a slight pinch or mild discomfort during the process.

Step 4: Recovery

After removal, you may experience mild redness, swelling, or tenderness at the treatment site. Your provider will provide post-removal care instructions to help with recovery.

Benefits of Skin Tag Removal

The primary benefits of skin tag removal include improved cosmetic appearance, reduced irritation from skin tags rubbing against clothing or jewelry, and peace of mind knowing that they are no longer present.


Prior to undergoing skin tag removal, it is important to schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare professional to assess your candidacy, discuss the procedure, and address any questions or concerns.